Sunday, July 24, 2011


What a great week this has been. Spent much of the week together with my former students as we once more went into the theatre to put our interpretation of Grease on the stage. One evening of rehearsals and then two evening of performances.

It made me so happy that our community appreciated this initiative of ours and showed up. About 250 persons in the audience both nights and my students made me so proud! They performed so professionally and with so much joy - better than ever!

Oh yes, I am really privileged to get to spend time with them, that they trust me and allow themselves to learn & grow, even let conflicts go to support the groups best. Grown ups could learn a lot from teens if they just took the time!

The loving feedback I get from my students warms my heart and soul :) knowing that they just say what they feel up to saying! Thank you all for these three years!

Having this experience so fresh it's hard to believe that what I have been seeing in the news since yesterday can be true - that a Norwegian man with a gun just gunned down more than 80 young people, took their lives... how can anyone be so heartless, so cruel..... just can't understand... can only imagine the pain family and friends are going through, and pray that they will be able to keep love in their hearts. Lighting a candle, praying for peace.

Wishing that everyone could be in a heart - circle, if, then I doubt that there would be any wars.... So grateful for the ones I am in!

So be gentle with yourselves, appreciate and treasure life and the people in it, it our for such a short time, and for some much shorter than they could ever have imagined.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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